How to Get Mentally Fit and Make Your Best Work
I let insecurities dictate my own growth. I let my fear of failure keep me from becoming my truest creative self. I instead should have focused on the work it would take, slow and steady everyday, to get to that point.
I think sometimes we are scared of our own success. We know that we have this huge amount of potential. We know that we are capable, yet putting in the time to learn that new skill, putting ourselves out there and being vulnerable is easier said than done. BECAUSE THAT SHIT TAKES PHYSICAL WORK and A STRONG MINDSET.
I stressed out because I’d always looked at my career like a sprint up an impossibly steep hill, versus a consistently paced journey up a challenging but rewarding path. Everyday felt like it was impossible to reach my own expectations. It became harder mentally to commit to the work that I knew I needed to be putting in. That was fear talking, and it was hindering my evolution. Here are some of the ways I’ve been able to shake my own demons.
Put in the Reps
I know there are many ways to overcome negative thinking and doubt. I think repetition within your craft is a great way to build self-confidence. There are no substitutes for putting in work. No one sees a master woodworker and thinks that level of skill happens overnight. A master of any skill commits themselves and continually shows up.Allow Yourself to Enjoy the Process
I attached every ounce of creative energy to business related goals for many years. Maybe it was the result of freelancing for the majority of my career, I don’t know, but I couldn’t shake it. I couldn’t draw a letter without thinking how I was going to use it to further my brand or how it could make me money. It kept me from exploring, from finding joy in what I was doing. Having gone from burnout to on-fire, I’ve learned that what you make today is not so precious that you can’t make something better tomorrow. It does not dictate your whole path or your whole worth. Learn to enjoy the path of improvement.Strengthen the Body
I think strengthening your body is an equally efficient way to build mental fitness. I’m mentally strongest when I continue to test myself physically. Seeing progress in one area often creates confidence in others. The benefits of a healthy body will carry over to every aspect of your life. I would choose something that won’t bore you easily. I was drawn to Muay Thai because martial artists never reach a pinnacle. There is always another level to achieve even for the greatest practitioners. That type of journey has kept my attention much longer than treadmills and dumbbells. The confidence I’ve gained has been immense. It doesn’t matter whether its Yoga, pole dancing, weight training, martial arts or walking around the block. I urge you to take the first step, and then tomorrow take one more.
What are you doing everyday to strengthen your mind? Strengthen your body?